Search results

  1. D

    Recommendations for rear sets, 2015 s1000rr

    Hi all, I'm looking to get some rearsets for my bike, mostly I want to get my leg up higher to the tank as I'm short (5'7"), so I'm looking for rearsets that will be able to adjust higher. I'm hoping this helps me grip the tank with my outside leg better, so I can get off the bike more. (Does...
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    Critique my novice session! Also tell me why I crashed :)

    Novice session from Saturday's hardnox. I feel like I need to get closer to the tank, and out even further? Also why did I crash? Best I can tell, I think I ran out of traction? Asking too much of the tires? Or something else? (Stock street tires). Any advice/critique welcome and appreciated...
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    Ok to post videos / ask for input?

    Hi, I have some video from the hardnox track day, is it ok to post and ask for critique? I'm very novice but having so much fun and want to learn more so any input would be appreciated. I also happened to lay the bike down... And am still at a loss as to why, would be great to hear from more...
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    2009 Hyosung GT250R

    Asking $2500 for this 2009 GT250R. It's a decent little bike, just put a new battery in it, runs well. Under 5k on it. Located in Camrose AB. As evidenced by the photos, has incredible grip. Or the photos are sideways and I don't know why. One of the two.
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    Race suit tailor

    Started breaking in my new suit, one piece leather. It's mostly good but a little long in the leg and arms... Is tailoring these a thing? If so any recommendations?
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    Intro + Random Questions

    Hi All, Just thought I'd post up an introduction, as well as ask a few questions. I started riding after 30, as I was pretty confident in my 20s that if I rode then I'd kill myself. :). I'd rode a lot of dirt bikes as a kid and growing up but never a street bike. I was living in...
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    Race School - May 13/14 2016

    Hi all, I'm interested in the race school this year, I see it on the poster on the front page but I can't figure out how to sign up for it. Am I missing something? Thanks!