EMRA Round 1 - Registration


fasten your seatbelts! Registration opens tonight at midnight


some things to note:
memberships and licenses are a manual process. it can take up to 10 hours for your credentials to be approved before you can register. during the day, its more likely within 15 minutes. save the headache and do it now.

If you register 15 minutes before the deadline and don't have a membership/license and I'm busy and unable to process your license and membership, you're SOL. don't leave it to the last minute.

You may or may not see a confirmation from me once approved, fully dependent on where I am situated at the time. I will try my best to send everyone confirmations. If you already paid for your license/membership you're confirmed.

Please make sure your transponder number is correct in your profile. We use this for grids. if its wrong, you will not show up in the system and not get points.

If you notice any mistakes, or need help, please feel free to message me. brianl[at]emra[dot]ca

If you need help with transponders, also feel free to message me. as of last week, there are no firmware updates. this might change before round 1 and Ill do my best to keep everyone updated.