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  1. Logan

    2025 Rule change discussion

    I would like to propose the divergence of Light and Middleweight races. As the Middleweight class grows in numbers and skill the lap time gap between Lightweight and Middleweight bikes has increased. Closing speeds when lapping riders has allowed for conditions to be sufficient for a potential...
  2. Logan

    2024 Rule change discussion

    Logan, Ok correction. As the Kramer also fits into the MW class with the single 690. Roles should state singles from 650 to 700cc. This would include the KTM 690 which also includes the Kramer. As for the loosing to Sean and Shane rule, as we are in the same races and I proposed to have starts...
  3. Logan

    2024 Rule change discussion

    Last rule change proposal; Removal of Single-Cylinder Motorcycles from Middleweight Twins and Middleweight SBK. -This will not take bikes off the grid as Singles can run in LW and LWSBK which also run at the same time as the MW races. -This will keep the MW races for MW bikes, MW's is a unique...
  4. Logan

    2024 Rule change discussion

    I think all of these concerns could be mitigated with Air Fence and Hay Bails. This would just add another element to our local racing. I mean I know this was preposed before but I would also like to see the bus stop removed at RT so we could really catch some speed through turn 3 as well ;)
  5. Logan

    2024 Rule change discussion

    I also propose we change our numbering scheme within the club to align with the majority of the major race associations across Canada and the US. Experts Black on White Background Novice and Intermediate Black on Yellow Background. This would align us with other clubs and make travel and...
  6. Logan

    2024 Rule change discussion

    1 - Remove all waved starts from all split grid races. There is no benefit to having a waved start on any race. 2 - Combine LW and Twins / LWSB and MSB grids based on times. Score race separates let the faster guys of both classes be up front. Again all starting at the same time. ***Not a rule...
  7. Logan

    2023 Rule change discussion

    Equipment standards could be changed for the "Super Twins" or "Middleweight Superbike" to follow suit with all the other classes then. IMHO. You make a valid point on the age cap keeping bikes on grid at a 2010 cap so ill agree with you there.
  8. Logan

    FIM Approved AIR Vests 2022

    Rod, Note under the In and Motion Umbrella falls these 4 suits. -RST Airbag suit (In & Motion) -IXON IX U-03 (In & Motion) -KILM AI-1 (In & Motion) -FURYGAN (In & Motion)
  9. Logan

    2023 Rule change discussion

    Here's my 4am nightshift rant. Points to motion for Lightweight/Middleweight: First: If middleweight bikes are going to separate from lightweight, then in fairness they should be split grid and two different starts. If they are in fact two different races/classes, then gridding everyone...
  10. Logan

    2023 Rule change discussion

    Still can't put Superbike and Middleweight in the same sentence eh Jon? LMAO! I agree though!
  11. Logan

    Cant believe its over already.... Cant wait until next year!

    Cant believe its over already.... Cant wait until next year!
  12. Logan

    Poll to vote for Sean Henderson Most Outstanding Racer award

    Glad to see Scott Kammer up there. Scotts always helping set up and tear down air fence and helping out with the club, helping guys in the pits and just generally everywhere. He's usually not in his pits because hes dedicating his time elsewhere. It was also a pleasure to watch him push that 96...
  13. Logan

    2022 Awards Banquet poll… salmon or cabbage rolls

  14. Logan

    SOLD 2000 Yamaha R6 Racebike $900 OBO SOLD

    Messaged you.
  15. Logan

    2022 Rule Discussion

    Something to chip in on my 2C. Not really a rule change but something that I am sure the club as a whole could appreciate. Can we potentially look at having a proper parking structure for 2022? Seemed to be a free for all at Castrol a couple of times this year. I do realize that there is track...
  16. Logan

    2022 Rule Discussion

    Well. In one hand those 1k upgrades were probably well needed over an additional piece of gear. You have to pick and choose your battles and enforcing air vests is just not one of them. We all know that racing is a super cheap hobby (please sense the fuck-ton of sarcasm there). But really...
  17. Logan

    Picture Plaques 2021:

    Glad you said it bahaha
  18. Logan

    The 2020 Sean Henderson Most Outstanding Racer Award

    Ill throw in a 4th for Eric Russnak. Eric has always been there even for late night phone calls to help sort out problems or even questions. Honestly just an all around, whole heartedly a genuine great person and the epidemy of a race ambassador.
  19. Logan


    Suter Slipper Clutch for a 06-19 Yamaha R6. Used for 3 race rounds this summer, comes with all manuals, parts, hardware as when purchased new. $SOLD
  20. Logan


    IRC Quick Shift + Auto Blip For 09-14 Yamaha R1 and 08-16 Yamaha R6. Used for 3 race rounds, upgraded to the IRC QS+AB+PCS. Original box, all manuals and components included. $900