Race Licence Question 2


New Member
If a person has taken a race school elsewhere, is there provision for purchasing an EMRA membership and obtaining a licence to race here? The getting started link here says to take a race school, although it neither appears to be specific about where, nor that it is mandatory - http://emra.ca/index.php?pageid=newracers


Well-Known Member
It depends upon how long ago you took the other course, and usually a recent race license from another school is acceptable. It may also involve a rider checkout by one of our executive members. Our race school is also a great way to meet a lot of local racers and get some useful info on track specifics too.


Well-Known Member
Where and when did you take your race school? If it was done with CMRA/WMRC or select other schools then you are allowed to race4 under their licence. If it was done by a private company, that company has to be approved by the EMRA exec. Then you will be required to do a checkout with a control rider during a track day.

PS, a race licence is mandatory to race with the EMRA.

Hope that helps



New Member
Thanks for the info.

How is the approval process initiated? For example, do I need to attend a meeting, just submit particulars through email, or fill out some forms and mail them in?

The schools approval is done through the executive. We need to know what is in the curriculum. If the school you took is approved, then you just need a rider checkout. So make a appointment with the president a month before you want your rider checkout.

Pm me the details of the school you took and when and I will put you onto the right path.
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New Member
It's hypothetical - looking at EMRA, Calgary, and/or a few south of the border, since I have friends and family there. It all depends on my schedule and what's offered. I don't have a ton of free time and I'd like to start off by trying out a few novice races, depending on a few other things coming together, as well.

An example of a U.S. school is Keigwin's @ the track who offer a New Racer School that culminates in certification for American Federation of Motorcyclists (AFM) racing, a California club. I've also looked at a number of others, such as Chris Peris' school, Cal Superbike, and a few others - local to southern and central CA, Nevada, and western AZ.


Well-Known Member
It's hypothetical - looking at EMRA, Calgary, and/or a few south of the border, since I have friends and family there. It all depends on my schedule and what's offered. I don't have a ton of free time and I'd like to start off by trying out a few novice races, depending on a few other things coming together, as well.

An example of a U.S. school is Keigwin's @ the track who offer a New Racer School that culminates in certification for American Federation of Motorcyclists (AFM) racing, a California club. I've also looked at a number of others, such as Chris Peris' school, Cal Superbike, and a few others - local to southern and central CA, Nevada, and western AZ.

Those are all great schools. I have taken the Z2 school and the pridmore schools down south and they really are awesome. However they do not teach the local rules and regulations that the EMRA uses. I would suggest a local school if you are looking to get your licence.

With that said, The EMRA has recognized the Freddy Spencer school in conjunction with a rider checkout in the past.