Trailer Flooring


Just wondering what everyone uses for their trailer floor. Got my trailer, insulated it, wired it, painted it, now just have flooring to do. It's 16x7 and not sure what to use on the floor. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
ArmourThane. Stuff is expensive, but nearly indestructible, even carbides in snowmobile skis won't scratch it. Bare wood works too.


New Member
I have a 7x14 V-nose trailer and I went to Costco and bought a roll of the grey vinyl flooring rolls that is in a checker-plate pattern that is meant for a garage floor. I think it is 7.5" wide x 16' long (can't remember for sure) and is worth $180. Its usually by the batteries and Auto stuff at Costco. This is the 3rd trailer I have had it in and it looks and works pretty well. It's not industructable though and it can be cut and damamged if abused. I put some e-track down along the sides of the trailer and that holds the flooring down nicely. I can email a pic or two if you wnat to see what it looks like installed.


Costco you say. I will have to try there. I can find that rubber flooring but not in 7ft wide or more. Seems like 6.5 in the norm. Thanks


New Member
The stuff is called G-Floor by Better Life Technology and it's 7.5'x17' for $178.99 (Costco #126014). They had it the NE Costco on the weekend.


The stuff is called G-Floor by Better Life Technology and it's 7.5'x17' for $178.99 (Costco #126014). They had it the NE Costco on the weekend.

Thank you just got back from Costco and picked up the g floor. Should do the trick. Thanks again saved me a lot of looking around.