Borrow tire warmers?

Well-Known Member
Our friend Blair was going to bring me a set of warmers this weekend but unfortunately will not be joining us for round 2.

So I was wondering if any of you fine folks had an extra set I could borrow for the weekend? Old and ratty doesn't matter, they'll be used on a 160 rear so that size would be best but I'm told 180's are fine.

Thanks in advance & hopefully see everyone at the track!


Active Member
I have a set if you need I'm not sure brand or if they are adjustable. I'll let you know more when I'm home in the morning

Well-Known Member
Thank you sir! Brand not important, don't care if they're hot pink with rainbows & unicorns. Single temp is fine too, warm is better than cold :D

Well-Known Member
Do it! Celeste and I have volunteered for a few years, best way to get involved in racing and get a feel for the atmosphere... It doesn't feel like work, feels like fun :)


New Member
I've got a set you could use as well if you need them. I live out of town but I'll find a way to get them to you if you need them.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Paul, if you are racing this weekend or if you have a friend who is coming out maybe you/they could bring them on Saturday just in case :)


Well-Known Member
Just wrap the ones I have aorund your tires and plug them into the generator you're already borrowing!:D
I'll also have the camper this weekend to hide from the rain, change in, or warm up if we need.

Hey! Does that make me a sponsor?!

Well-Known Member
Hey that reminds me jon, where do we add sponsors in the programs? Or are they all printed already for the full season?


Well-Known Member
What do you mean? Advertisers and sponsors with the EMRA get ads in the program and can change them for each round. If someone new setps up and wants to advertise we can bring them in partway through the season as each program is made for each round. Personal sponsors can get mentioned with the Racer Bios, but otherwise it's up to you to thank them when you get on the podium.

Well-Known Member
That's what I meant, personal sponsors in the racer bios... Isn't there a section for that in the program?