January Exec Meeting Minutes


Well-Known Member
For the middleweight class , it was noticed that the wording of the rules would have technically have excluded the parallel twins. So that wording is being corrected.


Active Member
With the use of etransfers. Can we do our memberships like this as well? Mailing in club memberships and payment, much easier to send electronic but not sure if it easier on the executive side. Also why can't we pay the racer membership the same time??


Well-Known Member
Just to note in regards to the track nights. Castrol is not wanting us to take over the registration portion. We will continue to be "running" the track nights as we have the last two years. But they will have their person taking registration in place in a timely fashion we have been told.


Well-Known Member
With the use of etransfers. Can we do our memberships like this as well? Mailing in club memberships and payment, much easier to send electronic but not sure if it easier on the executive side. Also why can't we pay the racer membership the same time??

Hi Thad

The e-transfer world for the club is brand new. That being said you now raise some fair questions going forward.

At this point whether we do the non-race weekend payments via transfer or PayPal we need to manually track this information and enter it into our registration system. The e-transfer costs are paid by the member so this presents a key advantage especially when you look at the percentage based PayPal fees.

We have a bit of time before the riding season starts and I am open to making changes. I don't think e-transfers will create much extra administrative work. The only issues I can see are a loss of item sales history in PayPal and the need to communicate the transaction passwords. (The transaction histories would all be created in our club books, but I currently do this with PayPal anyway.)



Jason Henton

Active Member
So is the club looking at adding the option of etransfers, or dropping paypal in favor of it? AFAIK etransfers are cash only, IE no credit card payments, this could pose issues?

Jason Henton

Active Member
With the use of etransfers. Can we do our memberships like this as well? Mailing in club memberships and payment, much easier to send electronic but not sure if it easier on the executive side. Also why can't we pay the racer membership the same time??

I have always paid electronically? Either through the "Club Information - Fees and Payments" or the "Event Registration" at the time of the first race round.


Well-Known Member
So is the club looking at adding the option of etransfers, or dropping paypal in favor of it? AFAIK etransfers are cash only, IE no credit card payments, this could pose issues?

Hi Jason

Nothing is being dropped at this time.

For the transponder buy, which we are running strictly at cost, I can send out a PayPal invoice to anyone that requests it. To keep things equal this would result in about a $10 increase on the prices quoted to cover the PayPal fees.

The registration payment options to allow for credit cards will remain.




Active Member
I have always paid electronically? Either through the "Club Information - Fees and Payments" or the "Event Registration" at the time of the first race round.

I do as well. But there is nothing for membership under club info and the application is to mailed in and the racer portion of membership is separated. I would like to see this as a one payment option for racers and be able to email in application and either pay pal or etransfer funds. That's what I mean.


Well-Known Member
I do as well. But there is nothing for membership under club info and the application is to mailed in and the racer portion of membership is separated. I would like to see this as a one payment option for racers and be able to email in application and either pay pal or etransfer funds. That's what I mean.


We took down the membership payment option on the website while the race school was being highlighted. The reason is that a significant percentage of students were buying the memberships separately even though they were included in the race school price.

I'll chat with Dave and we'll get those items back up shortly.




Active Member
We are working out the technical details, one way or another we will have membership registration up by the first week of March. We're currently looking at ways of streamlining our registration process, the goal is certainly to make it as simple as possible to enter and send in both information and payment.


Active Member
We are working out the technical details, one way or another we will have membership registration up by the first week of March. We're currently looking at ways of streamlining our registration process, the goal is certainly to make it as simple as possible to enter and send in both information and payment.

Thanks for the update.


New Member

-SATURDAY NIGHT PROPOSAL – We would get 50% of track rental( track rental - $700 charge for half- track,$1200 for
the full track), if we bring in events to run on Saturday evening. We need to brainstorm what kind of events we could we
bring in: dealership demo days, customer appreciation days, not necessarily just bikes, car clubs could rent out the West

What does that mean exactly? I've been trying to convince the local car club (Camrose) that we should look at a track day, but I was pretty sure it would be too expensive.


Active Member

-SATURDAY NIGHT PROPOSAL – We would get 50% of track rental( track rental - $700 charge for half- track,$1200 for
the full track), if we bring in events to run on Saturday evening. We need to brainstorm what kind of events we could we
bring in: dealership demo days, customer appreciation days, not necessarily just bikes, car clubs could rent out the West

What does that mean exactly? I've been trying to convince the local car club (Camrose) that we should look at a track day, but I was pretty sure it would be too expensive.

It was a way Castrol proposed that we could offset the track rental price increase. They don't want to rent the full track to car clubs and make us have to tear down the air fence in between practice and race days, but if we can schedule bike dealership events on half / full track, or a car event on ONLY the west course (we can't risk them impacting our barriers on the east part), the club can split profits with Castrol.


New Member
It was a way Castrol proposed that we could offset the track rental price increase. They don't want to rent the full track to car clubs and make us have to tear down the air fence in between practice and race days, but if we can schedule bike dealership events on half / full track, or a car event on ONLY the west course (we can't risk them impacting our barriers on the east part), the club can split profits with Castrol.

Ok, I'd like to bring it up at our next meeting. What would we be looking at in terms of cost? If we can budget it we can talk more about specifics.


Active Member
$700 per hour for half track, plus insurance and ambulance, insurance can be had through Castrol I believe, and the same two who run the ambulance for our events are interested in doing the Saturday evening events, so I can put you in contact if you need.