June 11th Track Night Pics



Photos from tonight are now up on my Flickr.

The Award for “The least fun had at a track night” goes to this poor guy, struck down in the middle of corner 9 and left for me to kick off the track.


The award for “Most expensive track night” goes to this young man, please note he is also a finalist for the “Gonna be sore tomorrow” category. Tucked the front going into turn 3.

And I should mention the rider was alright following this, no immediate medical attention required.



New Member
Ah yes, that's me in the corner 3 shot. Great pic by the way, not too sore today actually, my bike on the other hand.....held up surprisingly well. Some gravel rash but only cracked a rad hose and some plastic.


Active Member
i perused your pages and see gaps in photo numbers. do you have them or have you deleted them?

notthebread, so your master cylinder held up?


i perused your pages and see gaps in photo numbers. do you have them or have you deleted them?

notthebread, so your master cylinder held up?

It is a significant time commitment to go through all the photos I take at an event so in order to save time I only post 1 photo per rider per event. If you are looking for a specific image or if you want to see images I have of you please email me and I can pull them up.

Remember to include what you were riding/wearing or a race # so I can find your shots easily.

- Chris.

And Notthebread, reviewing those images after the fact you are lucky you were not more seriously hurt! Sliding is fine but man do i cringe when riders start to rag doll. Glad you are ok!


New Member
Yeah master Cylinder is okay, just the hose from the reservoir is cracked. Easy fix for that, other than that, yeah, I do feel pretty lucky not to be more banged up, that's a fast corner