Increasing the number of air fences


Will EMRA (or anyone else) be running some sort of $ drive to protect our riders? The big bags are expensive. I hear the smaller single units are less so. Are Castrol racers fully protected from the dreaded concrete walls? I would donate a bit.


Well-Known Member
That's a great and timely question.

At this point at least 3 points have been identified as important in preparing for next year.

1. Review the current inventory of barriers and identify which ones need repairs or replacement.
2. Get quotes on new barriers: both full impact and tangential impact barriers.
3. Collect containers (non-deposit) for use in "racer-made" secondary impact areas.

In order to support the efforts under item 2 a program for fund raising will need to be planned and any support or suggestions will be welcomed.




I'm in, Todd, for what ever can be done at this distance. The least I can do is come up with a bit of cash. I will follow this thread for more info.