Rider Directory


Active Member
Okay, at the risk of the wrath of the other forum members, I pose this question and offer.....

I have compiled and created member directories for other groups I have been associated with and I would like to see if there is any interest in a maintained rider directory to help new members (and members with 'I can never remember a name' affliction like me) put a name to a face for the EMRA members, volunteers and anyone else that wants to be included. Directories I have compiled in the past have a head shot picture, a name, and a few lines of text for each person in the directory. Our directory would include race numbers, and perhaps sponsors etc.

I would be willing to compile the directory and produce copies of the first volume on my tab. I was thinking that if this was done correctly it would be of a great deal of interest to the 'fans' that attend each race and a subset might be added to the program for the races (I realize this will increase the size and impact the cost of the programs).

I'm just floating the idea, and I will take on all of the compilation and production costs for the first version before the next round if there is interest....

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