Joe Preston
WHICH ONE WOULD YOU LIKE????????.......................
$100 AIR FENCE deposit refund for coming out this THURSDAY Aug 11th at 8:00pm for the EMRA Round 4 races at Stratotech LOOKING for volunteers to come give a hand to place the on track air fence Thursday AND S U N D A Y after the races to remove the air fence off track,anyone can come out and help you dont have to be a racer the more help the quicker it goes for everyone AND a BONUS for coming out Thursday is you set up you put spot in a non reserved spot , but Can't set up until after the air fence is done because we need to leave the pit area open because it's being used for a event till 8:00pm.
Check in with Joe Preston to get your name on the list also please and thank you , cya put there
$100 AIR FENCE deposit refund for coming out this THURSDAY Aug 11th at 8:00pm for the EMRA Round 4 races at Stratotech LOOKING for volunteers to come give a hand to place the on track air fence Thursday AND S U N D A Y after the races to remove the air fence off track,anyone can come out and help you dont have to be a racer the more help the quicker it goes for everyone AND a BONUS for coming out Thursday is you set up you put spot in a non reserved spot , but Can't set up until after the air fence is done because we need to leave the pit area open because it's being used for a event till 8:00pm.
Check in with Joe Preston to get your name on the list also please and thank you , cya put there